How to remove bamboo roots from yard [Video]

The best way to remove bamboo from the yard is to dig out the entire bamboo plant or the parts to be removed. 

Bamboo stems are joined to the rhizomes that grow just below the topsoil. By uprooting the rhizomes, you can contain bamboo from spreading.

Note that although the bamboo roots are not deep in the soil, the intricate network of roots and rhizomes is often difficult to deal with using hand tools.

Recommended tools

  • Pickaxe/shovel
  • Garden rake.
  • Pairs of secateurs or garden loppers.
  • Pots and containers for holding cuttings.

Buy the best tools for removing bamboo online.

best way to remove bamboo roots

How to remove bamboo roots

Step 1: Cut down the culms (stems), remove the branches and store the bamboo canes for future use.

Step 2: The rhizomes grow on the top layer of the soil, so dig down, along with or around the bamboo plant. Cut all the rhizomes and pull them out.

Step 3: You will also have to remove the whole bamboo buds and clumped base. Put a pickaxe through the base of the bamboo and remove them one by one. Use a pair of secateurs or garden loppers to cut the rhizomes into smaller pieces.

Step 4: Remove any soil around the bamboo roots and base of the parent plant. Keep the cutting in direct sun or pour boiling water on them to stop the cutting from growing again.

Related article: 4 non-chemical ways to remove bamboo plants permanently.


Tip #1: Cut bamboo stems

Select and cut the bamboo stems (culms), you want to remove, close to the ground. The tools that you choose to use for cutting the culms depend on their sizes.

For the smaller clump-forming and running bamboos, you will require a pair of secateurs or garden loppers. The big bamboo plants will require an electric saw or hand saw to remove and cut the thick culms.

Cut the bamboo stems horizontally (neatly across), close to the node as possible so that you have a nice and neat space to work. 

Do not cut the stem across the note to avoid any pointy ends sticking out.

Collect the use bamboo sticks in the garden.

Tip #2: Dig bamboo roots and rhizomes

If you want to completely kill the bamboo, you must remove all the rhizomes.

Start by digging 20 – 30cm around the bamboo plant to expose the root hairs and rhizomes. (The best tool for this job is the pickaxe). Cut any rhizomes that you see and remove the soil as you dig.

Carefully store the rhizomes cuttings in a large pot or bin for a few weeks before discarding them from your property.

Tip #3: Remove bamboo rhizomes

Bamboo roots do not grow deep into the soil. As a grass variety, the roots and horizontal stems (also called rhizomes) are often found at the top 20 – 30cm of the topsoil.

That does not mean it is easy to remove bamboo roots from your yard.

The root hairs and intertwined rhizomes network under the soil require a lot of digging, cutting, pulling and removing.

Tip #4: Prepare work area

Before starting, inspect the bamboo to understand how much work you can do in one hour and how long it will take to complete it.

Removing bamboo roots is painstaking work if you are doing it yourself, so prepare well for the job. 

The right tools and preparations are important for getting the job done.

Prepare the cuttings collection bins, tools and gloves and anything you may need.

All in all, remove the bamboo stems, branches and leaves. Then, dip up the rhizomes, cut them into smaller bits, and leave them to dry before binning them.

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